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female Christmas Island
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PageSixLover says
15 years ago
wow ah. Filipino na lang yung subject, pero yun pa yung pinaka pinoproblema ko. (annoyed)
PageSixLover is
15 years ago 4
home. Hello, hello. :-))
PageSixLover says
15 years ago
Oh shoot. (doh) 7 na pala. Tons to do pa. Tomorrow again. (LOL) Good evening and g'night. :-))
PageSixLover is
15 years ago
home. HELLO! :-))
PageSixLover has
15 years ago
to go. Piles of homework to do. I thought this holiday would be my rest day. Mali pala ako. (tears) Good night.
PageSixLover says
15 years ago 18
HELLO. :-))
PageSixLover has
15 years ago
lots to do with so little time. Homeworks first then off to the mall to buy the Ronda uniform. (LOL)
PageSixLover wishes
15 years ago
everyone a good morning. :-))
15 years ago 3
bids everyone a good night. :-))
PageSixLover is
15 years ago 6
home from Subic. :-))