14Friends 5Fans
female Morgantown, WV, United States
☑ Owner of Runway Couture
☑ Model
☑ I am ambitious, vivacious, & creative!
☑ I am passionate, confident, & dependable!
☑ I am over opinionated & blunt.
☑ I have a great personality & I am a great friend.
☑ My busi
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago
I'm on fashion fix tonight woot! (woot)
MaritaOverland is
13 years ago
InWorldz explorin :-D
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago
UGH.. busy day.. finally home relaxing.. with a belly full of chicken alfredo..
MaritaOverland feels
13 years ago 1
not so much like a slacker now! I needed to have 15 menswear done by the latest tomorrow. Had 1 done starting today, now I only need 5 more!
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago
Such a slacker
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago
(tears) :'-( hubby and is damn science sci fi movies.. I just had the weirdest dream involving SL
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago
Bad Week ... Hubby just got fired
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago 2
OMG.. my husband posted a picture of a turtle her found at work today when I asked him what he was gonna do with him.. he said "Love him"
MaritaOverland shares
13 years ago 6
Sad Day
MaritaOverland says
13 years ago
just as I thought I was almost done with my to do list. 15 males outfits to finish in 2 weeks, 2 customs ( no time frame), and 10 gowns grr.