52Friends 19Fans
female Maryville, TN, United States
Knitter, spinner, crocher, video blogger, and pay for all that by being a pharmacist.
Mandikat says
11 years ago 4
Stephen West has designed.... a dickey. What is this world coming to????
Mandikat says
11 years ago 5
blip WILL NOT KEEP ME DOWN. Episode 55 of We Are Yarn is up at!!!!
Mandikat says
11 years ago 15
WE ARE YARN FANS: I have officially been booted from There may not be an ep on iTunes this week... more deets to follow.
Mandikat says
11 years ago 2
Morning! If you're playing along, I'm finally thru the 1st stst bit of the shawl...
11 years ago
I was gonna be all productive on this, my Day Off, but it's cold and rainy and I think it's a PJ-knit-read sorta day.
11 years ago 16
, inbetween orders tonight, is having a heart-to-heart with her 768-item ravelry queue.
Mandikat shares
11 years ago 4
it's National Pharmacist Month! Let your pharmacist know you appreciate their work to keep you healthy!
Mandikat is
11 years ago 10
not usually political, but is really, really angry at my government, including the President. They work for us - can we fire them and start over?
Mandikat has
11 years ago 2
recorded, edited, and show will be ready soon! Can't wait to see what you think about my next give-away!
Mandikat says
11 years ago 3
Happy Hump Day!