40Friends 39Fans
female Deux-montagnes, QC, Canada
I, am over dramatic, need attention,talk to loud,burp like a man,dream really big,obsess over to much,say weird things, care alot,hate goodbyes, I am a mom, i love my daughter
I'm A M A N D A S T E B,
nice to meet you
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 4
You never really know how fat you are till someone posts a video or picture of you. Wow I'm disgusted with myself
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 18
So is it wrong that I won't let my inlaws take abbey to synagogue? Or...
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 7
Ace and Taylor's party tomorrow!! Can't wait to see everyone !!! It's been awhile!
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 5
Penis face
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago
New York in 4 dayssssss
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 10
Ignore this
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 5
Can't handle this dress!!
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 6
More pictures
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago 6
Birthday girl
MandaSteb=) says
10 years ago
Can't waitt!!!! Two more weeks and then I'm NEW YORK CITY BOUnd!!