64Friends 82Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
Hello my name is Hayley Frances Gross. I really enjoy writing, imagining, historical recreation, reading stories, movies, cosplay, watching anime, spinning, drawing,
6 years ago 19
I'm doing Camp Nanowrimo! I'm in rebel status since I started with 7790 words. My goal is 35,000 this month and ultimately a finished draft by end of Nano in November. I'm working on my fantasy/thriller Bargain of Bones. https://campnanowrimo.or...
Manateehugs is
6 years ago 11 @Edit 6 years ago
pretty sure Portland State University is a part of purgatory. I don't know what I did, but I'm so sorry, let me out.
Manateehugs is
6 years ago 5
back from the East Coast and Katsucon 2018! It was a great con. We all worked harder than a Keurig in a house of Grad students :-D, but was a fantastic time, I loved it!
7 years ago 9
[Content warning: celebrity death] I'm shocked Dolores O'Riordan of the Cranberries has died. Oh man... I owned almost all their albums I grew up with them and still love their music, such a bummer.
7 years ago 15
Hi'a Everyone Happiest of New Years and best wishes for everyone. My apologies for my radio silence, totally not intentional, I've been doing more knitting than computing recently and still working things out with Portland State. Hope you're all doing well.
7 years ago 14
Hi'a Everyone just wanted to give a PSA. If you need the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) like I do, but sure to call in or submit your paperwork, by DEC 15th, DEC 15th is the Deadline, NOT January. The Trump administration is trying to trick people as to when to sign up, so they miss the enrollment period (that they changed).
7 years ago 17
Hi'a everyone! My apologies for disappearing for a little while there. On Oct 31 to November 22 I was in England, and we hopped over to Rome for a day and half. I hope everyone is doing well. I missed chatting with everyone! Hugs all around!
7 years ago 4
I absolutely love writing Late Antiquity/ early Medieval fiction, but oh-my-gosh! Names!!!
7 years ago 5 @Edit 7 years ago
Oh man, the rainy seems to have arrived early this year. I'm so glad I battened down the hatches with tarps yesterday. I'm still working on the No No Room (tm), but still got a ways to go.
7 years ago 1
for Never a Legend, Oh man that scene was intense with feels! Heavy arc stuff for both characters involved. I leave them hugging at the end of it, and I just want to join in lol.