62Friends 55Fans
male Ozimals, Magic of Oz, United States
Alter Ego Malkavyn Eldritch from Second Life.

Pusher of Pixels

Owner of malContent

Ozimals Team
Ozimals - Brought to you by Magic of Oz

Gacha Minion
Gacha Minion | Play, Sort, Swap!
Malk says
9 years ago 1
stay cool...don't fanboy and freak out... - thanks for the add Allegory
Malk says
9 years ago 2
today is the birth of a new project candycerveau and I have created. Gacha Minion | Sort, Swap, Sell! is a product that can help automate gacha lists and help with swapping and selling. Try it out for free!
Malk says
9 years ago 2
that moment when a 16 hour coding problem becomes clear and gets fixed (with 1 line of code)!
Malk says
9 years ago
it's almost done! >.>
Malk says
9 years ago 5
Should I delete candycerveau's giant folder of Last Call stuff? (unsure)
Malk says
9 years ago
Designers, please add your company name or initials or some kind of unique identifier to your products in a gacha machine! "necklace 1" isn't very helpful when another company does the same thing >.>
Malk says
9 years ago
Designers, if you're going to put a rare into a gacha machine, Please add "Rare" to the name. -- How are we suppose to know if it was rare after we no longer are looking at your ad?
Malk hopes
9 years ago 1
designers will learn how gacha machines work...and quit stuffing 50 items into ONE machine with like 10 rares.
Malk wonders
9 years ago
if anyone knows if there is an "official" amount of items you are suppose to be able to drag into a prim at one time? My GoogleFu is not strank this morning.
Malk says
9 years ago 2
Rant time... Creators, please for the love of all that is holy don't name your gacha items "Rug" or "Table". At least add your company name to it! >.> </rant>