Coming to Totally Top Shelf today (noon) first of the Underdark skin collection; Abyssal shade with Lolas, Slink Physique (hands/feet/nails) and WowMeh appliers.
For those celebrating - have a wonderful, safe, Itis-filled Foodmas. I may be found face down and passed out in a peanut butter pie at some point today.
THANK YOU SWEET BABY JEEBUS AND YOUR ALMIGHTY POGO-STICKING. (And yay for Slink developer support team for getting back to me so fast.) Now I can finish these skins.
Get my Arcadian skins done, all essited for TTS and uploaded. Go to pull up the physique folder.. and then realize there's no skinner scripts in there. faceDESK FML
TWISTED KRISSMUSS UPDATE - So while Rox is transitioning into her move I'm going through manually delivering the first sign package. Most that applied are in, so watch for a delivery soon.