116Friends 41Fans
female Lost in the Labyrinth, Second life
Owner of :{MV}: & .Arcadia.
Gothika's own Freakkitteh DJ.
Totally Inappropriate for All Audiences.
I'll show you things.. wonderful, terrible things.
Lokii-ikthya shares
10 years ago 3

Lokii-ikthya shares
10 years ago

Coming to Totally Top Shelf today (noon) first of the Underdark skin collection; Abyssal shade with Lolas, Slink Physique (hands/feet/nails) and WowMeh appliers.
Lokii-ikthya shares
10 years ago 2
Suffer the baby cuteness. (Last one titled "Do not like Bath time.")

Lokii-ikthya shares
10 years ago

- coming tomorrow at the Suicide Dollz Anniversary round - tons of color options for the latex and shiiiiiny oiled kevlar mix.
Lokii-ikthya shares
10 years ago

So... <.< It's that time again. Weekend sale at :{MV}: 50% off on the store this weekend and gift cards half off!
Lokii-ikthya says
10 years ago
For those celebrating - have a wonderful, safe, Itis-filled Foodmas. I may be found face down and passed out in a peanut butter pie at some point today.
Lokii-ikthya says
10 years ago 1
THANK YOU SWEET BABY JEEBUS AND YOUR ALMIGHTY POGO-STICKING. (And yay for Slink developer support team for getting back to me so fast.) Now I can finish these skins.
Lokii-ikthya says
10 years ago 2
Get my Arcadian skins done, all essited for TTS and uploaded. Go to pull up the physique folder.. and then realize there's no skinner scripts in there. faceDESK FML
Lokii-ikthya says
10 years ago
TWISTED KRISSMUSS UPDATE - So while Rox is transitioning into her move I'm going through manually delivering the first sign package. Most that applied are in, so watch for a delivery soon.