碳↺壞兔通緝 Karma: 105.35
not stating / other
白浪船長☸天然石手作飾品 Karma: 112.98
- Under the Water of Venizia, Italy
🌈ㄈㄈ△平方Z7 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
🔹陸🔹 Karma: 100.00
not stating / other
- 山巔上的小城堡, 暴怒與怠惰之界, Germany
Roku洛庫 Karma: 94.87
not stating / other
- Taipei, Taiwan
IMO菓✦ Karma: 100.00
not stating / other
瑞秋紅 Karma: 78.82
not stating / other
- 野餐布的皺褶, Taiwan