19Friends 6Fans
female Donegal, Ireland
MagzSchmooz is
15 years ago 2
drinking vodka to help digest steak (dance)
MagzSchmooz is
15 years ago
suffering after eating way too much :-&
MagzSchmooz is
15 years ago 1
having chinese tonite (hungry)
MagzSchmooz is
15 years ago 2
plurking from portugal B-)
MagzSchmooz says
15 years ago 1
Nite nite folks, sweet dreams (sleeping)
MagzSchmooz is
15 years ago 2
going on holidays tomorrow night!! (music) B-) (dance)
MagzSchmooz is
15 years ago 3
drinking vodka!! (drinking) (rock) (dance)
MagzSchmooz shares
15 years ago 2
MagzSchmooz has
15 years ago 4
finally finished her antibiotics and can have a little drinkipoos to celebrate tonite (dance)
MagzSchmooz says
15 years ago 3
YaY! its Thursday at last!! (rock)