🌦️Good morning! It's Friday, rainy season is here in Singapore! Office is going to be bloody cold. Lolx. Madhuri is wearing green and white floral dress with an olive green cardigan. Shoulder length hair (yes, my hair have grown from neck length to shoulder length). Beige colour sandals.
🪄各位魔术师们早上好。 以积极的心态开始新的一周,见证奇迹的发生——周一早上快乐! Good morning fellow magicians. Start the week on a positive note and watch magic happen – Happy Monday morning! 😘 XOXO
Good afternoon, dearies! Have a lovely Sunday! Did you get enough rest? Weekends are for recharging, but sometimes errands sneak in. Maybe treat yourself to something nice after, you deserve it!
早上好,各位 Plurkers !我希望每个人都度过了一个轻松的星期六。尽力而为,享受周末的氛围! Good morning, fellow Plurkies! I hope everyone had a relaxing Saturday. Do your best and enjoy the weekend vibes!🏝️ XOXO❤️