165Friends 153Fans
male Denpasar, Indonesia
nationalist coz i love indonesia indeed! hahaha
i'm funny,crazy,crunchy,and so warm...can you imagine it?

Be bright in the dark place, give the benefits to the others... and when the time has come, Be the shiniest in the bright place, show the wo
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
Ditagih BAB I sama dosen pembimbing
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
laper tp ga mau makan... MALEEEESSS
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago 3
dengar bisikku...
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
hahaha biar kata lo disini punya wewenang, tetep aja di daerah asal lo cuma "NOTHING"
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
gue juga bs blg klo gue lbh sibuk
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
there's a spark in you... you're original, can not be replaced
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
malezo deconcerto!
Made_Tozan says
13 years ago
why is he so stupid? Sharing dog's shit on twitter isn't a good idea,idiot!