35Friends 59Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Hello, and welcome to my site!

I love the way I was created...
I like the road of challenges I'm into because I feel so fortunate to have such hard problems. It only show that I'm strong >_<


God Bless! Later! Muah! &
MaTheo says
15 years ago 1
MaTheo says
15 years ago
monitor's still broken! monitor's still broken! monitor's still broken! monitor's still broken! monitor's still broken!
MaTheo says
15 years ago
no net! no net! no net! no net! no net! no net! no net! no net! no net!
MaTheo says
15 years ago 6
hello... super karma down
MaTheo says
15 years ago
still no net!still no net!still no net!still no net!
MaTheo says
15 years ago
MaTheo says
15 years ago
MaTheo says
15 years ago
MaTheo says
15 years ago
no net D:
MaTheo is
15 years ago
at koi10's house (haha)