37Friends 12Fans
female Ewa Beach, HI, United States
Hi, friends ! :-D

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thankiss ♥
callmeGreys shares
13 years ago
morningg ppl ! :-D
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
Life stops for no one, so be what u wanna be, not what others wanna see !! :-D
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
Hold me when i'm sad. smile when i'm happy. and always be there if I need you ♥
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
No time to hate the ones who hate me because I am busy loving the ones who love me :-P
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
When you judge someone, you don't define them, you define yourself.
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
People always make mistakes. So don't react too much when someone did a wrong thing because you can do worse than that !! :-D
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
itching all over my body is very disturbing me!!! ohmyGod.. when this all will end ??? I don't take it anymore ><"
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
In SCHOOL , you learn a lesson then you are given a test. But LIFE , gives you a test then you learn your lesson
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
☺ Sweet memories don't have an expiry date ☺
callmeGreys says
13 years ago
I don't like missing you, but I love having you to miss.