72Friends 5Fans
female CA, United States
Draw. RP. Whatever else?


Anyway, here's Wonderwall THE RP CHARACTER LIST
11 months ago 17 @Edit 11 months ago
[Museum] My work computer sounds like a hair dryer when it's venting???
Happeh New Yarrrrrrr
[MEME] Slowpoke-ing my way into the Bad Habits Art Meme: https://images.plurk.com/54yT9NGRVIuWSTXXtCFiom.jpg
When dad calls a "gingerbread man" a "jolly roger boy"
Oof we were fine until someone up and filled the open spaces with walk-ins
That moment during dinner when dad called mom out on slicing the strawberries they bought earlier in the day and when she asked how he knew he said he had "SPC"
Happy Thanksgivinggggg 🦃🦃🦃🦃
Turkey hunting/shopping done. I was literally going to knock down a Mrs. Cubbison's stuffing display for a box and Aya was willing to be an accomplice to my villainy
UGH the new Defunctland documentary is wonderful
[Museum] My boss just put a skull candelabra on my desk and called it (MK)'s Den of Darkness