72Friends 5Fans
female CA, United States
Draw. RP. Whatever else?


Anyway, here's Wonderwall THE RP CHARACTER LIST
[Museum] When you come across an "Ind-AF" in the Final Accountability Rosters and you know darn well it stand for something else and not the modern internet slang version of the acronym
[Meme] I took the personality quiz because I wanted to be cool
When you think you are seeing things but nope, those were two coyotes on the lawn
Yeaaaah late handle change for plork <- 'tis MK
Note to self, get goggles for gardening
Hmm. Discord updates tell me it's being weird
aJDKLfdasdf aftershock during the rain
[Meme] Fandom Fanfic quiz why am I still awake I don't know but I'm going now
I know I'm at work during NatsuMatsuri and Nisei Week but I feel like I'm not in ahaha
Ahh yiss, updated profile pic to one of my favorite Mikey pictures https://images.plurk.com/4TPucVegcH3JMtkbE78cPp.png