43Friends 111Fans
female Singapore
view me at me tumblr!
Don’t cry for a guy, let a guy cry for you. Because girls give and forgive, but guys get and forget.

You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it.
15 years ago
's parent is watching th Cruel Temptation.
Cheryl.T is
15 years ago
masking~! giggles8
15 years ago
dont want to go fo PT!
Cheryl.T will
15 years ago 3
be going to see consult a doc tml, due to my back pain.
Cheryl.T wants
15 years ago
to go malaysia too~
15 years ago
's Mum will be going to malaysia tml by her self! erher~!
15 years ago
miss 4Toots so much. cant wait fo 30th!
Cheryl.T was
15 years ago
talking on th fone with Yun. feels so great. hahas.
Cheryl.T says
15 years ago
fri is coming le. hahas.
Cheryl.T has
15 years ago
updated my tumblr!