225Friends 96Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
I'm a band director in an incredible middle school setting. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate technology into my program.
12 years ago
Good morning, plurkers!
MIBando98 says
12 years ago 2
visiting the lone star state for the first time!
12 years ago
good morning, all!!! Last day of school for me, then summer classes start on MONDAY!! no break!
12 years ago
Hope everyone had a great long weekend! Thank you to all of our service men and women!!!
12 years ago 1
Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone! Thank you to all of our service men and women!!
12 years ago 2
8th graders at six flags right now... so quiet in the building!!
12 years ago
So, one of our showings was cancelled for tonight... still have the other one though... fingers firmly crossed!!
12 years ago 1
Happy Tuesday, Plurkers! And happy birthday to my beautiful wife!! (party)
MIBando98 says
12 years ago
so, we had an open house yesterday and four showings. haven't received feedback on any of it. should I be concerned??
12 years ago
Happy Hump Day, Plurk gang!