2Friends 8Fans
female Singapore
I'm Lynn, ostensibly 15 years-old.
Juvenile, eccentric, misanthropic.
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
Lynn.TYL says
15 years ago
I can't get too close to a guy lest my friends think we are a couple when we're not. FRIENDS CANNOT AH?
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
getting sick of it.
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
sitting here, xing zai le huo at him.
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
having fun watching Eddy die.
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
sleeping now.
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
pissed at Tim. WTF, stop harrassing me lah. Despo, find someone else. I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR STUPID GANSTEAD.
Lynn.TYL is
15 years ago
going to bathe.
Lynn.TYL says
15 years ago
fucking stop all these insanities and jealousy. Seriously, it's our last year.
Lynn.TYL hates
15 years ago
hypocrites who wishes something bad to someone because they experienced it before.