71Friends 57Fans
female Manila, Philippines
If you're friending me just to get my responses to your Plurks, then first check if we have the same interests. That should be easy enough to tell from my Plurks. I don't like pointless threads littering my timeline, so I don't often friend back.
Lyn says
11 years ago 11
For Mitsunari_Ishida, in case you ever wondered why I always try to log off early to prepare my lunch for the next day:
Lyn says
11 years ago
[Mushishi special] I want the BGM that plays during the eclipse scene. ;___;
Lyn says
11 years ago 11
That moment when your boss from your old job emails you about an opening at his new work place.
Lyn says
11 years ago 12
[Tequatl on GW2] There are no words to describe how much I hate the new Teq.
Lyn says
11 years ago 4
That feel when you finish reading/watching a good fic/show and can't find anything to follow up that comes close to being as good as the first one.
Lyn says
11 years ago 3
Orz my grandmother didn't know about my yixing clay tea infuser.
Lyn says
11 years ago 51
Fall season anime first episode reactions.
Lyn says
11 years ago 53
First night in malaysia