4Friends 16Fans
female Cambridge, Great Britain (UK)
Hello, I am Lupie and I like birds, monsters, music and drawing things. I have a lot to say, most of it rubbish.
I always have time to share this rubbish with others, whether they want it or not.
Lupie wonders
16 years ago
why their head feels like it's full of angry bees.
Lupie is
16 years ago
all of a wibble.
Lupie is
16 years ago
hungry and desirous of cereals.... BUT ARE THERE ANY LEFT?! film at 11
Lupie is
16 years ago
bored of the internet! And is going to bed! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, THEN, INTERNET.
Lupie wonders
16 years ago
if the Twilight movie could possibly be as dreadful as the books...
Lupie is
16 years ago
...really quite disgusted by that. By. Ughhhh.
Lupie is
16 years ago
very excited about her new sexy hair.
16 years ago
16 years ago
's dreads are STILL DRIPPING. >:-(What is going to make them stop?!
Lupie has
16 years ago
giant black glittery platform boots of +5 Drag Queen.