175Friends 18Fans
female Nowhere, IA, United States
Knitter, Spinner, and all around crazy person. I also have a fiber shop, The First Draft, on Etsy.
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago
Slept like 1- hours last night, body's trying to make up for like a week of 4 hour nights. Looks like I should be back on sleeping meds. :-(
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago 1
Four hours of sleep again.
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago
So far behind on homework... ugh.
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago
Why don't I seem to have any more time in the summer than during the school year? (Русский)
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago
New glasses arrived, plus contacts so I'll stop damaging myself with my glasses while interpreting. Weird, wearing contacts again.
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago
One more Greek vocabulary test, and I never have to take another class I don't find interesting.
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago 3
Mr. L made eggos for breakfast. You don't even understand how awesome this is. He's never used the toaster before. He didn't burn the kitchen down or anything! I woke up to waffles and no fire! (droid_dance)
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago
Night, y'all!
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago 1
4 hours of sleep. Bleh.
LuckyLindey says
10 years ago 2
Just got a B+ on one of the worst essays I've ever written. Go me? (unsure)