37Friends 34Fans
female Norfolk, VA, United States
sahm,beader,and knitter
Lissaluvsyarn is
12 years ago
sick from allergies. going to bed
Lissaluvsyarn is
13 years ago
right now i wish i was rich then i'd have less problems and alot more yarn
Lissaluvsyarn is
13 years ago
searching patterns on ravelry looking for something else to fall in love with
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago
seriously moody today i need to run away later
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago
vacation weekend aka mama gets her knitting stuff outta storage!
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago
tired and still bummed out about date night being screwed over.
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago 2
not awake yet. on 2nd cup of coffee
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago
i'm completely wired after my day. i got things done and have done things i normally wouldnt. but it was worth it
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago
i guess today i'm overtired i was ready for bed at 730pm. now only if kid2 would go to bed
Lissaluvsyarn says
13 years ago 2
happy valentines day everyone. i'm in a really good mood today :-)