4Friends 1Fans
female Secondlife, Tahbit, United States
Happy Woman with a small family
Boyfriend - Hax
Daughter - Jill
Lindy thinks
12 years ago
someone has nothing better to do than dig, laughs.. What was thought it would break us, just made us stronger Life is good right now
Lindy says
12 years ago
Good morning family (friends are family too <3) slept like a baby and are ready for new adventures of the day ;-)
12 years ago
wraps my arms around Hax and my two little girl in a tight family group hug. Night night <3
Lindy thinks
12 years ago 4
things happens for a reason and always trust your gut. I am glad we did, and we will always listen. Sadly there are some that can't handle
Lindy loves
12 years ago 1
my sweet Hax and romantic times <3
Lindy loves
12 years ago
her life and good morning all! :-D
Lindy says
12 years ago
Bed time for me (Русский) i feel blessed for the day that has passed, on 25th February 2012 we adoptet 3 girls. Im so happy :-)) night all
Lindy thinks
12 years ago ... there something to it ...
Lindy thinks
12 years ago my girls has great driving and parking skills
Lindy thinks
12 years ago the sharing room dividing thing went quite well :-D