195Friends 281Fans
male Whiting, IN, United States
We help business owners get results that shine in their business and in life.
6 years ago
Linc1618 says
6 years ago
That is all (dance)
Linc1618 says
6 years ago
Support Net Neutrality because everyone should be able to access the Internet
Linc1618 says
6 years ago
Support Net Neutrality #netneutrality
Linc1618 says
7 years ago
Be kind to all people you meet online. You never know what problems they are dealing with in their personal life :-)
7 years ago
;-) B-) (wave) (music) (dance) (rofl) (rock) (applause) (rock)
Linc1618 says
7 years ago
Hey Plurk what happened to the break dancing emoji?
7 years ago
7 years ago
Who Remembers This Song Sweet - Fox On The Run (Original Version) ?