131Friends 69Fans
female Cilegon, Indonesia
Mommy and Daddy's little girl.
My sisters' big-sister and Abang, Kakak, Aa's little-sister.
DJc and 7ip's bestfriend. part of M.O.S.T, SV, and GSCM.
Garin Lintang's beautiful girl since June 17th 2010♥
Likayy says
12 years ago
but you still can't say anything but give a sign proving that you have a same feeling with him and a sign which told him that you DO wanna be his.
Likayy says
12 years ago
then you still do nothing cause you still can't believe that it is true. even your heart beats as fast as a vampire when running like telling you that it isn't a summer dream.
Likayy says
12 years ago
and you just stuck in your position and smiling and still smiling without say anything cause you were too speechless.
Likayy says
12 years ago
trust me. i know how it feels. when someone you really love for a long time finally told to you about his feeling and asked you to be his.
Likayy says
12 years ago
i bet she is smiling right now. waiting her text being replied by him. and also still can't believe that since today she is really his like she wanna pinch herself to prove that it isn't just a beautiful dream.
Likayy says
12 years ago
yeah, i used to flying without wings...
Likayy says
12 years ago
i never know that falling could be this hurts even im flying without wings... ifyouknowwhatimean </3
Likayy says
12 years ago 2
saya punya angka 18 di jersey kelas saya. ya, saya gabisa pake 17 lagi kan? dan saya gamau jauh dari itu. 18. setelah dan selalu berurutan dengan 17. gapapa kalo kamu jauh. yg penting saya enggak...
Likayy says
12 years ago
now i know, your guardian angel just means nothing to you. am i right?
Likayy says
12 years ago
yeah, i really remember it all too well, rin.