17Friends 8Fans
male Colorado Springs, CO, United States
LightChaser is
16 years ago 3
totally thrilled his Ipod is still covered by Best Buy's personal service.
LightChaser asks
16 years ago
so horses don't get medals in Olympics but the riders do? That doesn't seem fair, does it?
LightChaser was
16 years ago 1
wondering about the placement of the statement things.
LightChaser was
16 years ago 3
wondering why it's dead?
LightChaser shares
16 years ago 5
that he is glad McCrusty Buns is back
LightChaser asks
16 years ago 8
is fred rogers the man? afrojacks.com/images/mr%...
LightChaser asks
16 years ago
you people are still here?
LightChaser asks
16 years ago
LightChaser asks
16 years ago
LightChaser asks
16 years ago 1
what does 'mute' on the plurk drop down thing do