Alert the media. I may have the entire house to myself to work on yarn. (aka both kids will be in school).
Garden planned and now I think its worm bin time. Do I know how to party or what?
Needs to move my computer closer to the dye pots. The walk is longer than my short term memory...wait. What are was I saying?
Need to grab a crusty bread for a ploughman's lunch. Then its time to crank up the dye pots.
Seems to have come down with a major case of cast-on-itis. May need to grow a few more sets of arms. =)
Hark! What is that bright disc in the sky? =)
Crap. The kids have successfully shared their crud. I knew I should have been wearing that gas mask.
Stupid soap riced - now its 'hot' Hungover Shepherd soap (beer and goats milk...yah baby).