Liaison Collab
238Friends 168Fans
Second Life, United States
A small intimate event company specializing in themed gatherings with some of the top designers/creators on the grid.

The Liaison Collaborative
The Liaison Collaborative
Liaison Collab
6 years ago
The Liaison Collaborative Hacienda round is open! Come check out the awesome creations by your favorite designers. Here is your taxi: Remarkable
Liaison Collab says
6 years ago
The Liaison Collaborative Tropical Oasis round is open! Come check out the awesome creations by your favorite designers. Here is your taxi: Remarkable
Liaison Collab
6 years ago
The Liaison Collaborative is open! Come check out our designers choice round. Here is your taxi: Remarkable
Liaison Collab says
6 years ago
The Liaison Collaborative opens today at 3pm!!! Come visit us for our Artful Decorum round. The round is inspired by the wonderful world of art deco, the flashiness of the the 1920's, and the whimsical feel of classy extraordinaire! Taxi: Second Life Maps | Remarkable
Liaison Collab says
7 years ago
JOIN US as we celebrate our 5th Anniversary with all things WHIMSY, from March 3rd-26th! Exclusive GIFTS, for this month only, so bring a friend and enjoy our designers latest foray into the whimsical!

Second Life Maps | Remarkable

Liaison Collab says
7 years ago
TLC's turning 5! This March, we celebrate all things Whimsy! Along with a NEW OPENING DATE, March 3rd-26th @ 3pmSLT. Many thanks to our March Sponsors, Apple Fall, ERSCH, Le Fil Casse, Mosquito’s Way, Neve & Sintiklia!
The Liaison Collaborative
Liaison Collab says
7 years ago
Liaison Collaborative presents our February Theme, "To Love!". Inspired by the romance of winter, the love of life, love, and happiness! JOIN US! February 7th-28th!
Second Life Maps | Remarkable
Liaison Collab says
7 years ago
Liaison Collaborative presents our February Theme, "To Love!". Inspired by the romance of winter, the love of life, love, and happiness! Thank you to our sponsors, Fancy Decor, Giz Seorn, Masoom, Minimal, Neve and Raindale!
Coming February 7th @ 3pmSLT!
Liaison Collab says
7 years ago
Bee Designs | Game Zone Collection
@ Liaison Collaborative, Jan 7-30
Second Life Maps | Remarkable
Liaison Collab says
7 years ago
Opale Hair | Sonna
@ Liaison Collaborative, Jan 7-30
Second Life Maps | Remarkable