the color guard did AH-MAZING at the game last night!!! It was incredible!!! : D
I have to do color guard at a game tomorrow! It's my first one, wish me luck. : )
that school is entirely too stressful. But JROTC is fun, it just takes a LOT of devotion which is not easy in the least...
that her friends had less's stressful
sleepy. getting off here.
awake at 3:50 AM... wtf?! LOL I'm the utmost hyper at the moment(with Missii)!!!! Wow... I'm easily amused. (:
that my computer hadn't crashed!! D:
to read the book called The Count of Monte Cristo, a 1240 paged book! & then write a 3-5 page essay...summer assigments SUCK! D: