28Friends 13Fans
female Suwanee, GA, United States
It's not about You or Me - it's about US. Like everyone else, we have a blog - LeahAndMark.com ! Stop, say hello, and be our friend because we're already yours!
LeahAndMark says
16 years ago
must fight urge to eat fried chicken...
LeahAndMark says
16 years ago
shoot me - I LOVE the new Jesse McCartney song.
LeahAndMark says
16 years ago
Oh check out my Photo Essay on our Couch! leahandmark.com/2008/06/...
LeahAndMark wants
16 years ago 3
some really good FRIED CHICKEN!
LeahAndMark is
16 years ago
reading the ProBlogger book that just arrived
LeahAndMark is
16 years ago
happy drinking a gallon of coffee!
LeahAndMark is
16 years ago
applying for an Ikea Credit Card today!
LeahAndMark says
16 years ago
I just sent a twitter saying I'm Plurking!
LeahAndMark says
16 years ago
Look! More China Photos! leahandmark.com/2008/06/...
LeahAndMark asks
16 years ago 4
how come i'm always tired on monday?