46Friends 227Fans
male United Kingdom
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
gone for a bit, not going to check back regularly
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
Had a very positive rejection from an agent today. Though a rejection they certainly seemed to bear a lot of interest in my work so I don't feel too bad
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
After a year of more intense flexibility training I finally did the forward splits for the first time tonight. Maybe it's a one off, but it felt good :-)
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
feel like I'm gonna have either a nervous breakdown or I will drop from exhaustion, place your bets.
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
Supermodernity - brain melting
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
oh wow, I'm nervous to take the train today: my flatmate took a train 2 weeks ago and the train hit and killed someone. She took a train 13 hours ago and the police swarmed the train looking for a criminal
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
fucked up my leg, great...
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
work is getting me down...
Realmskipper says
9 years ago
Some days I wonder why people are so willing to see the bad in me so that the forget there is any good