貓男爵 LazyCat
132Friends 102Fans
Fongshan, Taiwan
Year 5780/2020

I am in love with anything that LIVES!
music, movies, literature, ART...and lots of more...

Recording! Keep Smiling! :-)
you can add me as a fan if you want, i don't add friends here any more...th
貓男爵 LazyCat shares
10 years ago
柴玲事件 遠志明公開聲明
貓男爵 LazyCat shares
10 years ago
貓男爵 LazyCat
10 years ago
i just can't resist...Lord help me and save me...
貓男爵 LazyCat thinks
10 years ago
貓男爵 LazyCat
13 years ago 3
貓男爵 LazyCat
14 years ago 3
well, haven't been here for a long time, but i got a lot of notification that ppl adding me as friends here...