Lashae Karsin
288Friends 96Fans
female Animus Garden, Second Life, United States
I enjoy fashion, photography and blogging in Second Life. I love to explore beautiful SIMs and see what various designers have to offer.

Lashae Karsin ღ
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 4
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 9
BOXYCHARM DECEMBER 2013It doesn't matter what kind of video this woman does, I fall over laughing every time. She's just fun to watch!
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 3
Good morning!
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 7
Ok I'll jump on the bandwagon. Selfie Sunday!!
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 3
Does anyone have any idea why my Firestorm viewer will rez textures and then suddenly they will all start blurring?? It's really annoying.
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 1
Good morning! :-D
Lashae Karsin
11 years ago 2
Each pose in this new set has been hidden in pink shopping bags throughout the store priced at 5L each (totalling 66% off normal pose pack price) through tomorrow! :-D