14Friends 3Fans
female Philippine, Philippines
Lalabels is
13 years ago
still workin on her CMSC123 exer. :-&
Lalabels is
13 years ago
sleepy but still shivering. :-">
Lalabels is
13 years ago
happy. ;-)
13 years ago 3
plurk: "How to get more karma?" (LOL)
Lalabels loves
13 years ago
JM. :-)) :-D
Lalabels feels
14 years ago
really tired tonight. and sad, by the way. :-&
Lalabels asks
14 years ago
"what is worth EVERY day?" :|
Lalabels is
14 years ago
so not psyched for November 16. :'-(
Lalabels is
14 years ago 2
starting her How I Met Your Mother marathon. (LOL)
14 years ago 3
Stars fading, but I linger on, dear. :">