Yohan Yuki 사요한
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male Philippines
Yohan Yukiya Sese-Cunetaㆍ사요한・謝雪矢(ゆきや)・謝約翰ㆍיהוחנן

♾️ Actually Autistic | INFP
✨ Appeared: Sports Seoul; The Daily Report Arirang

©️ License: CC By-SA 4.0
❗ only represent myself

I'M YourOnly.One
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Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
Did the #US #AQI change their computation or something? Why is it now getting higher towards "unhealthy" in the evening and weekends, but lower (healthy) during the day? 😅
At this rate, #CN AQI is more reliable.

#AirQuality #Philippines #Health
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
November 2024 will go down in history as the month when the #Philippines, or more exactly Northern and Central Luzon (and part of Bicol down South got the bulk of rains), were hit by 6 typhoons in the span of 20 days. (Assuming there won't be another after the incoming 6th.)
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
Comparison of #Philippines #typhoon warning signals with the American #hurricane categories.

Last updated 2020, there might have been changes sin...

#storm #SuperTyphoon #weather
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
The latest #typhoon , #Usagi , got upgraded to Category 4? It might turn into a #SuperTyphoon at this rate. It's local #Philippines name is typhoon #Oppa, just kidding, it's #Ofel.

«Typhoon Usagi Oppa» 😅

Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago 2
A short public announcement from yours truly, a concerned citizen. There's a foreigner who identified himself as #Thai, roaming around Washington Sycip Park & immediate area in #Makati #Philippines , asking for a fare to #Tagaytay .
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
Mr. Plankton
(Mr. 플랑크톤)

Bittersweet endings hold a quiet, yet powerful beauty. They’re different from pure sadness, which settles in your heart like a weight. In stories like «Mr. Plankton» («Mr. 플랑크톤»)…

Highly recommended.

#MrPlankton #Kdrama #Romance #Bittersweet #Review #YourOnlyOne #Mr플랑크톤 #TV #Netflix

Mr. Plankton shout by Yohan Yukiya Seseㆍ사요한・謝雪矢
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
Why is it sunny? 😎🌞
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
Me #watching #ADiscoveryOfWitches : She looks familiar. I know that acting. That smile. Her face. The way she looks pulling you to her.

Me later: Ahh! #TheChoice #WarmBodies #IAmNumberFour ! Of course!

Ok. Back to watching. Up next S01E05!
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
The latest #podcast from #StuffYouShouldKnow is about #ADHD

ADHD pt 1
#Neurodivergent #Neurodivergents #AuDHD
Yohan Yuki 사요한 shares
4 months ago
Bagong bagyo