27Friends 9Fans
female Los Baños, Philippines
♣I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak.
I lose all control and something takes over me.
I want you to stay with me, by my side.
I swallow my pride, your love is so sweet.
I can't explain why your loving makes me weak.♥
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago 8
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago
out na rin
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago
update lng
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago
update and out
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago 1
update and out..
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago 1
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago 1
update and out.. please boost me..
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago 1
pboost po.. haay, out, sipon sipon.. hrap mgksipon..
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago
update and out..
♣ChocoVanilla♥ says
14 years ago
update and out