74Friends 32Fans
female Indonesia
10 years ago 5
Harrrrrryyyyyy, dinda kangen :'-( :'-( :'-( :'-( :'-(
10 years ago
I didn't know whether to wish you or not on your birthday, but I still did. Just like how my heart doesn't know whether to love you or not but it still does. Happy birthday H.
10 years ago 5
Loving you is like a war, it is hard to end...
LadyRhapsody feels
10 years ago 8
empty :'-(
LadyRhapsody says
10 years ago
I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, be in your arms, or be the one you love. I don't want anyone to take my place :'-(
LadyRhapsody says
10 years ago 18
I got a interview tomorrow. So wish me luck or pray or whatever you do to give good vibes. love y'all (tongue)
LadyRhapsody says
10 years ago 8
Hp rusak. uninstal beberapa aplikasi tp memori yg dgunakan di hp malah nambah gtu. jd 100% pdhal uda apus ini itu sm uda unistall.
LadyRhapsody says
10 years ago
I knew it wasn't going last forever but i just wasn't ready for it to end yet
LadyRhapsody wishes
10 years ago 5
I could wake up w/ amnesia & forget about d stupid little things like d way it felt to fall asleep next to u & d memories I never can escape
LadyRhapsody says
10 years ago 16
mimpi serem. nyetir mobil sndri, ngebut, trs jatoh dr jembatan. pas detik2 sblm mninggal flashback slma hidup gtu. sm mkirin org2 yg dcintai