17Friends 30Fans
female Long Beach, CA, United States
writer, marketing whiz, editor, blogger, stylist, loving nip/tuck, dexter, action & sci fi flicks. love indie/alt music

PS. You KNOW the age isn't correct. right?
LAStory is
16 years ago 2
(woot) ;-) ;-) still working on next week's blogs. Wanting to go get a sangria, shopping or a vacation.
LAStory is
16 years ago
writing about Rose Rossi (killer voice singer. check her out on
LAStory is
16 years ago
trying to get ipod updated-- it went down and then write blogs too. oy
LAStory is
16 years ago
trying to reinstall itunes. what a mess
LAStory is
16 years ago
checking emails and about to start editing a podcast (or 3) and also do a couple videos. oy.
LAStory is
16 years ago 1
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-) trying to write blogs