Black King
9Friends 2Fans
male Polomolok, Philippines
People are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they're afraid it's true.

The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.

Hoshi Shimizu (Star Pure Water)

Kyousei Ryuujin (Great Dragon King)
Black King
12 years ago
Tha last sliCe of pizza is mine!!!!
Black King
12 years ago
had very happy Birthday..simple celeb and paksiw party..hahaha..thnx mama grace, daddy, tito, kuya ian and jedi..
Black King
12 years ago
kaon TiMe...LetS eaT!!
Black King
12 years ago
himala kung matandaan niya na b-day ko..hahaha..pero its okay..
Black King
12 years ago
another year has come and gone..hahaha..
Black King
12 years ago a few minutes manigulang napud ko ug year..wahhh..
Black King
12 years ago
finally done moving to the other room..still messy but atleast its clean..
Black King
12 years ago
Good morning everyone..another day another crime on the way..hahahaha
Black King is
12 years ago
really tired..have lots to do tomorrow..arrghh..
Black King feels
12 years ago
really down..somehow something is wrong..