watching it snow outside sighing, not haveing a canvas to paint on or anyclay to work with he was bored...
looks around looking for things for his art comeing to Austrias house and huffs but gose there anyway being a typical teen and gose through the door looking around seeing a giant egg... pokes it what
pulling down the little of christmas decorations he had up putting them away and looks at the tree, shrugging his sholders and decides to sell it putting it into the pile that the museum was going to pick up
placeing a gift under the paint coverd tree then gose back to his portriat needed to get it done as it was a commission
wakes up coughing harshily ans blows nose in a tissue, eyes watering
staying in his little corner createing art either painted, drawn, or chipped out from air cement not saying a word to alberta about that moring getting sprung masterbateing and calling her name
looking at the green plastic Christmas tree and starts to flick paint at it
wearing a thick coat in the snow creating a ice sculpture if an angle