Israel attacked Palestine. Hatred will never be able to end hatred
shares 16 years ago
My one haunted experience is, once I've heard a loud bang and a woman's shouting coming from upstairs when I am the only person at home.
A house is un-right if it's dark+cold; u feel scared when staying in the house alone at night;
Bought new SPC bean cuisine instant-open-instant-eat can at Woolworths
wonders 16 years ago
what the world would become if, though impossible, everyone shares all the earth's resources with others
the woman in the movie 'Underworld' is very pretty
watching 'Pearl Harbour' showing on TV, again! Now at the 'I am the queen of the world!' scene
so irritated he feels like punching everyone
wonders 16 years ago
if having too much junk food is very bad for his health