113Friends 110Fans
female Redmond, WA, United States
I knit, I write, I read, I cook, I mother.

Ravelry - samro
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 3
Trying to take decent photo of my own foot. On the plus side I can count it as my workout for the day.
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 9
I finished my sock!!
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 5
dark choc, peanut butter, banana crepes for dinner. Yum.
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 5
I really have to finish my sock today. 5 inches to go.
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 2
22 minutes on hold to AT&T so far. This is the 3rd time I've called. I do not need 4 seperate bills and acct #s for 1 phone
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 9
Must knit entire foot of sock today. Plus do laundry, watch two extra kids, and make 3 batches of granola. Better get to work.
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 15
My sock is on the front page of BMFA. So, so amped!
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 1
Packing up for a morning at the park. I'm taking lots of water and sunscreen.
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 3
Who wants a little Summer Loving?
KnitQuest says
15 years ago 10
Dear Weather, You seem to be confused. It's never supposed to be 104 in Seattle. Never. Do you need therapy? AA meetings? Get help.