7Friends 1Fans
Kissawaylove is
15 years ago
veryvery sad now & her heart is aching badly. She wonder if false smiles is really that hard to put on.
Kissawaylove says
15 years ago
that shes veryveryvery boring & she wants to find something which can entertain her ! :-))
Kissawaylove says
15 years ago 1
that she feel like editing her skin but there's no where else to let her edit as she has edited everywhere that she wants to edit. :-)
Kissawaylove says
15 years ago
that she can't wait for Jerlin to come to her house tomorrow to have fun & do project. :-)
Kissawaylove says
15 years ago
that she felt boring again... :-(
Kissawaylove has
15 years ago
finished couple of questions from the 90questions & she's now resting.She will continue alfter she have enough rest. :-)
Kissawaylove is
15 years ago
going to start with her 90questions homework of maths & it's going to freak her off. -.-"
Kissawaylove has
15 years ago
just finished eating Udon;Maggie mee as she didn't ate much for her lunch. (it dosen't taste good for her.) :-P
Kissawaylove loves
15 years ago
to watch Hitman Reborn but there's no more english subtittles anymore & she hope that the person will update soon. :-D
Kissawaylove is
15 years ago
having her lunch now & hopping that her maid will improve her cooking more. :-))