I am a semi-deranged novelist-writer-artist type person. I play: Miliways: The Fool, Araris, a Phoenix, Kili Medietas: Rory McCallum,Theo Sammeth, Weyland Falkner My guys
[D&D] So, I had a thought... Kale turns into a girl at night because he's going to be a banshee when he dies. Yay curses. But, I was thinking that maybe he could have a separate character sheet for him when he's a she.
[RP Stuffs] I apparently don't have brain to play in games, but it does seem to be working when coming up with game ideas. Though I blame TheHourMorgana for this one (In a good way).
I'm bored enough to want to try and create 5ed versions of my 4th ed D&D group. The problem is really transferring over some of the abilities we have into 5e.