166Friends 106Fans
female Sunny and Snowy, Oklahoma, United States
Plurking away in Okieland y'all!

Blogging here and
Kellyology is
16 years ago 1
shaking her fist at the local movie theaters for not showing The Wrestler during the day!
Kellyology says
16 years ago 5
Kellyology shares
16 years ago 2
Ellen DeGeneres ~ I Love Jesus But I Drink A Little (HQ) And this one is old...but OMG. It still makes me laugh til I cry.
Kellyology shares
16 years ago
David After Dentist This won't be so funny when it happens in about 10 years. (LOL)
Kellyology shares
16 years ago 2
Bale Out - RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix! It may be a little early for this and it may be a little offensive to the ears, but... (rofl)
Kellyology asks
16 years ago 2
Does anyone know about the stomach shredder thing that everyone's talking about? What is it?
Kellyology asks
16 years ago 8
What did I just hear our President apologize for making a mistake? :'-( It's been so long.