it was interesting to compare the different authors of short stories and their style of writing more than the various poets, probably just
enjoyed reading the short stories more than the poetry overall.
would be interested in reading more of Pynchon's work in order to be more exposed to his style of writing, as well as comparing his works.
thought "Sexy" brought up various meanings to look into after reading the story on the surface.
noticing topics discussed in classes in other cultural aspects, like Thomas Pynchon as a character in "The Simpsons."
noticed Judith Butler's idea of the difference between sex and gender before in other psychology classes. It's interesting to see how they
finds the post-modernism concepts and techniques interesting and unique, such as changing the focus of a portrait like Banksy.
liked some of the poems we have read, unfortunately Howl is not one of them. (yet, at least. I look forward to discussing it in class!)
how a few certain sections of this poem would sound as a story, rather than in stanzas.
the repetition of the words "Who" in pt 1, "Moloch" in pt 2,& "I'm" in pt 3 keep the beat going throughout their respective part of the poem