25Friends 7Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Chasing after the forbidden fruit is the sin of mankind. Yet, that is what defines us - for if we did not long for the things already lost to us, the world would be a very mundane place~
12 years ago 8
llama drama on my school's FB page.
12 years ago 7
finally room assignments are out. and my roommate appears to be a ninja, for i cannot locate him. >_>
12 years ago 1
oh, you. kishimoto.
12 years ago 11
kom334 yo, I was looking at this deck, wouldn't a simple doomblade to the face screw it up? xD aside from that, this looks interesting.
12 years ago 9
kom334 planning to go to the card shop this week, come along with me sometime if you're not busy?
12 years ago 1
when you have a way for me to eat burgers without having to blend them.. then you have my permission to die. https://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/5182282_460s_v1.jpg
12 years ago 1
Idea: next time you go to starbucks (try it in the states?) , tell them you name is "the greater good" or "free."
12 years ago 2
should i go to school today?