107Friends 30Fans
male Mexico
Goth fashion designer in SecondLife® Virtual 3D World. Shy, hyper, crazy, obsessed, creative, spaz, quiet, silly, reclusive, introverted. My brand is called Goth1c0. For more info about my store, visit my blog :-) Goth1c0
6 years ago 2
Shooter inside the youtube building in California
6 years ago 7
Aaaaaah!!! The belleza body update fucked up my new items for 2 events that start this week!!! I dont have time to update appliers before the events starts!! Because i still have to work for 4 other eveeeents aaaaaah OMFG!!!
6 years ago 3
Now the imac does not work, system wont boot...can i be more unlucky? man this year just started and it already sucks so much. Not gonna be able to set up for my february events...shut!!
6 years ago 5
2017 didnt end so greatly for me but 2018 is looking even worst. Ended the year with no internet, took 9 days to get fixed. Today again, no internet and a locked user account in my PC so i cant use it. The only solution i found through my phone was to reinstall everything from 0. All my precious 3D files will get deleted and i have no back up
6 years ago 1
Ending a toxic friendship is hard but it is necessary for your own good. Remember that you come first.
6 years ago
D: gaaah dont wanna go out, is cooold!! but i have a dentist appointment :c
6 years ago
Вино 19 Crimes the use of augmented reality to sell wine...nice! Now i gotta find where they sell this....
6 years ago 4
My item for my very first round of TCF, yay im excited!!
6 years ago 9
We got hit by a very strong earthquake, many buildings fell and others are damaged. I got so scared of how strong it felt. I am ok and my family too. Send good vibes and thoughts for my country. So many bad things happening over here.