wheee. tomorrow i'm officially 15. ;D

ohuknow :x
everyone.lets just send her pictures of dead dogs,lets threaten to shit kick her,lets lie &make her insecure. UH,REALITY CHECK BITCHES,GTFU.
this girl sitting across from me on the bus this morning was freaking out because she lost her 'Where's Waldo?' book. oooh, the irony.
mm, did the milk run today at school. two kids rode horses. we're such a hick town. xD
REALITY CHECK; you're about to fuck shit up. kgoodnight<3
why do all the pretty girls think they're ugly and all the ugly girls think they're hot shit? >;0
i'm so freaking mad. i wish i had a twin that i could vent to whenever the fuck i wanted. omg. >___>
funny how you're saying the same shit that i said when i had the problem. i guess it's my turn to play your part. payback's a bitch, bud.
so annoyed with my friends at the moment. x_x