6Friends 3Fans
female Manila, Philippines
Small but terribly small!..
Kaye_ba12 says
15 years ago
aww,.. bbye na poh...
Kaye_ba12 says
15 years ago
i'm baaaaaaack!..
Kaye_ba12 says
15 years ago
KitTitaMa does proxy Plurking for me when my connection is down or totally inexistent.
Kaye_ba12 is
15 years ago
moving out from an old place to a new place.
Kaye_ba12 has
15 years ago
to say BFN to Stella and B.C. They will be missed. :-(
Kaye_ba12 hates
15 years ago 1
SmartBro's poor signal (speed bagal) in our area. Can't even load up Plurk, not to mention it eats up my load to no good use. X-(
Kaye_ba12 needs
15 years ago 1
her problem with the adobe flash player and sound devices fixed. :-(
Kaye_ba12 hopes
15 years ago
that her karma will increase,.. more...
Kaye_ba12 loves
15 years ago
her new t-shirt that says "ha ha what?"
Kaye_ba12 feels
15 years ago